
Siren - a new show on Freeform

From the synopsis alone, you wouldn't think much of the series. However, we wholeheartedly recommend giving it a try, because it has an interesting story line, the acting is good and the special effects are decent. The title role of Ryn the mermaid (Eline Powell) is cast perfectly and you could really believe that she is a wild creature of a different species. See for yourself:

Not to mention that Freeform doesn't shy away from a bit of nudity and intimate scenes between Ryn and other characters, male and female.


The story takes place in a quiet fishing town where inhabitants annually celebrate the day of the mermaid, not knowing that the creatures really exist. On the eve of the celebration group of fishermen goes out fishing and accidentally catches one of them in their net.
However, this is not your average "little mermaid", oh no - it's a vicious, blood-thirsty, with above average strength and speed, and can snap a human into half kind-of-creature!

But then the military helicopters-in and commends the mermaid. Little did they know that the creature they caught has a sister that won't stop at nothing to rejoin her beloved sibling. To do that, she befriends people from the village and together they start the search.
Oh, and did we mention that there is bad blood between humans and mermaids? Apparently humans butchered their species hundreds of years ago and since then we hate each other!

Here's a short preview, so give it a try:


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